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Start of extra production capacity Q8Oils operation.

Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI) have announced the start of extra production capacity Q8Oils operation on the their plant premises in Antwerp, Belgium.

Vice-mayor of Antwepr Philip Heylen, KPI’s CEO Bakheet Al-Rashidi and some of the key clients and members of the Q8Oils Belgian Oil and Gas Federation were present at the opening ceremony.

Q8Oils blending plant in Antwerp in one of the largest and technologically advanced lubricant productions in Europe.

Investments of several millions euros will raise the plant’s production capacity to 250 million liters annually.

The plant is certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 14001.

Source: https://www.q8oils.com/EN/Mainnavigation/Aboutus/News/tabid/118/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/217/language/en-US/Kuwait-Petroleums-Q8Oils-opens-its-state-of-the-art-Blending-Plant-in-Antwerp.aspx